DIY Farmhouse Window Frame Decor

 Inexpensive farmhouse window frame decor. See instructions below.

First you will need an inexpensive frame. Thrift stores are a great place to find these pretty cheap. You don’t need anything heavy or super duty. Mine was a light plastic frame. 

You will also need square dowels. I picked up three from Home Depot for $1.50 a piece.

Next, you need to measure your frame opening to see how long you need each dowel to be. Since these are fairly thin, you should be able to cut the dowels to size with just a hand saw (no power tools necessary). 

Then, we cut out notches in the one dowel piece that ran horizontally so the inside frame pieces would be flush.

Secure the dowel pieces together with wood glue.

We then used hot glue to attach the dowels to the frame.

Now that the frame is all put together it’s time for a coat of paint in the color of your choice.

Store bought versions of this window decor can run from $40-$60.Thanks to a friend gifting me the frame and only having to buy the dowels, this project cost me less than $6!
